May 20, 2005

"Girls again beat boys in school exams!": A politically correct non-news

It is school results season again. Which means that we will be treated to an endless stream of gushing newspaper and TV reports on how girls have yet again "out done" boys in pass percentages.

I don't have anything against girls or encouraging more of them to get educated. My PROBLEM (read as BIG problem) is that this is NOT NEWSWORTHY!

Can you tell me the last time when boys outscored girls in terms of pass percentage? No idea, right? Then WHY THE HELL is this "phenomenon" which happens year after year after year... considered newsworthy? Why should this be the only area when journalists violate the trade maxim that "Dog bites man is NOT NEWS. Man bites dog IS."?

Can we, Sun TV, The Hindu, et al, PLEASE treat this as news only when boys outscore girls? THANKS!


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